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Medical Intuitive Practitioner

Certified Wellness Life Coach

Master Spirit Life Coach

Reiki Master

Quantum Healer

Akashic Field Therapist, Level 2

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Nici Schmidt

Nici Schmidt

Loving and Supporting a Happy Community and Promoting Healthy Awareness within its Members.

Welcome Beautiful Being,


My name is Nici, you may call me Nicole if you prefer to do so. I'm grateful for you being interested to get to know me a little better.


Growing up, my dad taught me about somatic language and has been my role model for animal communication since we spent much time together in Nature. 


In 2011, I moved from Germany to Kansas and since then I have studied a lot of new ways to work with frequencies and vibration. In 2019, I studied the art and science of life coaching and became a certified Wellness Life Coach as well as a Master Spirit Life Coach to support and help individuals to rewrite their own wellness stories.

In 2020, I became a certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner and realized that Mother Gaia had blessed me with the "Gift of Healing" and now I am even more excited to continue share this Love & Light with my clients.


The studies about physical awareness and vibrational healing within the quantum field, sacred numerology, crystals, sacred geometry as well as holistic remedies for healing feel natural to me because they resonate most due to my strong connection to Mother Gaia and Divine Guidance.

I am forever grateful for the divine guidance from Mother Gaia, Father Source, and all my guides, guardians and other beings of unconditional love and white light.


I enjoy sharing and bringing awareness about these subjects to clients and participants during my coaching workshops and group meetings wherever and whenever possible. Click HERE for more information on Life Coaching.​


Please feel free to reach out, I'm looking forward to speaking with you soon.


Nici Schmidt

Sacred Processes LLC



Please allow 24 hours for a response, thank you.

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