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Work Desk

Life Coaching Session


As an ICF certified Wellness and Master Spirit Life Coach, Nici Schmidt uses a holistic approach to support her clients on a quantum level.

Clients are encouraged and coached to find their Divine Truth from within to fulfill their life mission and life purpose with Heart-Brain Coherence.


These life coaching session are highly personalized and divinely guided and can vary within subjects depending on the clients wellness journey. As a Medical Intuitive Practitioner, Nici supports her clients within all four energy bodies: mentally, emotionally, spiritually and on a physical level.


Nici is in good standing with the International Coaching Federation since 2018.


The initial coaching session is free of charge, so that coach and client can establish good rapport and see if they are a good fit for each other.  


All session are conducted over the phone or google meet and will be followed up with an email or text message depending on the clients preference.


Depending on the clients needs coaching sessions can be combined with other services to support personal growth. 


Duration: approximately 60 minutes; Price: $65


To set up an appointment please reach out to Nici, thank you.





   (913) 406-6089



Please allow 24 hours for a response, and review our cancellation policy for more information. Thank you.

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