What are our Attunements & Techniques
And how do they benefit you:
When we work with you as a client we look at multiple vibrational areas that adversely affecting you, including the Emotional Body, the Energetic Body, Environmental Stressors, and when communicated by Spirit: the Spiritual Body. The sessions include vibrational healing techniques whereby vibrations are introduced into the human being's physical and energetic body to adjust imbalances. These sessions are always personalized to the client and may vary every time depending on the current situation of the client. An energy session can include but is not limited to one attunement with multiple techniques. Your Medical Intuitive Practitioner will determine what attunement and techniques are most beneficial to you at the time of your scheduled session.
The purpose of an attunement is to return the body, mind, and spirit to its original frequency by aligning the body, mind & heart with the Forces of Life from Source. As humans we are all directly connected to Source (God) and can come out of alignment when we experience disharmony in certain areas of our life.
Depending on the current state of the energetic and emotional body, the client may benefit from a Lymphatic Attunement which is the primary attunement used to support the immune and the lymph system. Both, the lymph and immune system thrives on rest, relaxation and positive emotions, while negative emotions and stress or anxiety can compromise them. This attunement provides deep relaxing energy to support the lymph nodes and can release emotions and memories. The lymphatic system is being stimulated by this attunement to encourage circulation and purification, so does physical exercise e.g yoga. Clients who would benefit from this Lymphatic Attunement have a compromised immune system like cancer patients, or individuals with infections, or emotional blockages. This attunement can be accompanied by Lymphatic Drainage Techniques.
The Endocrine Attunement is the other attunement we work with and as the name suggest it's the primary attunement used to work with the endocrine glands. This network of glands produces and secretes hormones to regulate many bodily functions, including: growth and development; homeostasis, metabolism, reproduction, and response to stimuli. The endocrine system can also be thought of as our center of consciousness, each endocrine gland generates spiritual energy and is associated with a chakra. This attunement creates balance in the chakra system and reestablishes the spiritual energies of the glands and supports the meridians as well as enhances circulation and supports the healing process of the body. Clients like expecting mothers and their significant others, burn victims, pre- or post surgery clients as well as during surgery with long distance energy sessions will benefit from this attunement.
All techniques we work with are supportive to the attunements and have specific functions:
Energy Field Restoration Technique: is being utilized to balance the energy field of a person. We scan for:
- Holes and Tears which compromises the protective auric field.
- Dissonant Energy Pattern which are energies that are dissonant to the clients body rhythms, e.g. electro-
magnetic radiation or frequencies, environmental pollution, or geopathic energy distortions/stress.
- Crystallized Energy Patterns which are suppressed emotions that are buried inside human bodies.
- Parasitic Energy Patterns which are dissonant energies that feed of a persons life energy.
Chakra Balancing Technique: it opens and brings the Chakras into alignment by balancing energies.
Liver Relaxation Technique: this technique relaxes the liver and bile ducts when under stress.
Mesenteric Apron Technique: The mesentery is a fold of membrane that attaches the intestine to the abdominal wall and holds it in place. This technique supports blood and energy flow within the abdominal area.
Brain Balancing Techniques: these techniques balances certain areas and are supportive to the brain.
- RT/LFT Brain will balance the left and right brain hemispheres to help with concentration and decision making.
- 4th Ventricle is one of the four connected fluid filled cavities within the human brain that can
become out of balance and is brought back to balance with vibrational circulation.
- The Cerebrospinal Fluid located around the brain and spinal cord and is brought back to
balance with vibrational circulation.
Long Bone Technique: this technique bring vibrational healing support to joints, lower back, and sciatica pain. and also support the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.
There are other minor techniques that the Medical Intuition Practitioner may use during a session for support, and these will be addressed with the client at the time of the session.
If you have any question, please feel free to reach out via email or the contact form on this website.